Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lipikar 3.0.0 RC1 no longer available for download

The RC1 version of Lipikar has been withdrawn today from FileDen and will no longer be available for download. Users are being requested to use the links from the Lipikar Download page to download the latest RC2 version. Webmasters concerned about broken links are hereby requested to contact me for the necessary information to update your listing of Lipikar from RC1 to RC2.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lipikar Version 3.0.0 RC2

Lipikar 3.0.0 RC2 (Release Candidate 2) has been released as a minor revision to its last RC1 version. Following are the changes from the last version:
  • Marginal increase in performance.
  • Some bugs straightened out.
  • License changed from Creative Commons ND 2.5 to its India version.
  • The Setup program now contains some Indian language fonts. The user has the option to install them selectively. This has increased the Setup file size by about 800 KB.

Also, the format of the "Assist" documents have been changed to PDF to reduce its download size.

I am trying to add a page for Lipikar FontMaps on this site, where any Lipikar user can upload to or download from. Please use the feedback form to let me know your suggestions.